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Stanford Dependencies Chinese

2024-06-27 01:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Tutorial Install Configuration Data Format Annotations Tokenization The Segmentation Guidelines for the Penn Chinese Treebank (3.0) MSR中文文本标注规范 (5.0 版) Part-of-Speech Tagging ctb pku 863 NPCMJ Universal Dependencies Named Entity Recognition pku msra ontonotes Dependency Parsing Stanford Dependencies Chinese PKU Multi-view Chinese Treebank Stanford Dependencies English Universal Dependencies Semantic Dependency Parsing SemEval2016 The reduction of Minimal Recursion Semantics Predicate-Argument Structures Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank Semantic Role Labeling Chinese Proposition Bank English PropBank Constituency Parsing Chinese Tree Bank Penn Treebank NPCMJ Contributing Guide Live Demo

Python API

hanlp hanlp common structure vocab transform dataset component torch_component components mtl MultiTaskLearning tasks classifiers eos tokenizers transformer multi_criteria lemmatizer taggers transformer_tagger rnn_tagger ner transformer_ner rnn_ner biaffine_ner parsers biaffine_dep biaffine_sdp ud_parser crf_constituency_parser srl span_rank span_bio pipeline sts pretrained mtl eos tok pos ner dep constituency srl sdp amr amr2text sts word2vec glove fasttext mlm datasets eos eos resources tok txt mcws_dataset resources pos resources ner tsv json resources dep conll resources srl conll2012_dataset resources con constituency_dataset resources utils io_util layers embeddings embedding word2vec fasttext char_cnn char_rnn transformer transformers encoder tokenizer decoders linear_crf biaffine_ner hanlp_common document conll configurable constant hanlp_restful hanlp_trie trie dictionary

Java API

1.x API Java RESTful API

Golang API

Golang RESTful API








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